The Best Male Masturbating Toys

male masturbating toys

Many people think that male masturbating toys are reserved for some perverted sub-culture of society, but the truth is that there are a number of different ways that these sex tools can improve your pleasure, boost sexual exploration and make masturbation more fun. The market is currently overflowing with a wide array of men’s masturbators, from traditional ones that require you to manually maneuver them up and down your penis to vibrating gadgets that do all the work for you. We’ve rounded up the best of them below — just remember to pair them with a bottle of lube for maximum effect!

Masturbators are essentially sleeve-like tunnels that you slide over your anal area and erection. Most have open ends for easy cleaning, while others are closed to better simulate an actual vagina or anus. They’re available in a variety of shapes, sizes and textures. Some are even designed to work hands-free, allowing you to use them while you relax or do other activities.

Some are powered by regular vibrations, while others have sensual pulsations that feel like someone is stroking your peen. And, of course, there are also those that combine both sonic and traditional vibrations to create a more exciting sensation. The Cobra Libre II, for instance, has two rumbly motors that target the head of your penis and provide mellow yet resounding orgasms.

Other men’s masturbators are powered by batteries for a plug-and-play experience, which can be particularly convenient if you’re on the go. Some also offer a rechargeable battery option for even more portability, but the downside is that you’ll need to keep track of the charge and plan accordingly if you want to continue enjoying them indefinitely.

You can get the most out of your new masturbator by taking the time to learn about its features and controls. Look for things like the number of available vibration patterns, sleeve texture and length, and a range of intensities to find out what’s right for you. And, if you’re considering buying from a website, make sure it has a good return policy so that you can try out several before committing to one.

One of this year’s best new male masturbators is the Kiiroo Keon, which offers everything from a powerful motor to an ergonomic design with intuitive controls and FeelTech-compatibility for VR and long-distance partner regulation. Its textured sleeves, sleek lighting system and FeelTech app control make it the perfect choice for single guys, couples and webcam performers alike.

The Lelo F1S V2 is another high-tech masturbator that offers a smooth aluminum body and non-toxic silicone for the perfect blend of aesthetics, sensations and functionality. With two motors, 10 sensors for a customized experience, an intuitive set of button controls and a dedicated mobile app for tech aficionados, it’s the ideal option for men who love to play.

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